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A well designed space can give your brand a voice, support and uplift your staff, inspire and motivate, encourage learning, provide return on investment, make you want to stay longer, create a talking point that people can’t wait to return to.


We love what we do, because what we do has a positive impact on how people experience the world around them


Thais E. Pacanins, Creative Director / Architect / Interior Designer

Our approach to our projects is pretty simple – we just put ourselves in the shoes of our client – ‘what would we want if we engaged an interior designer?’ this question guides us throughout all stages of your project. We figure that we would want to be listened to, our ideas and concerns for our new space considered as well as getting the interior designer’s professional advice and innovative ideas to enhance the project outcome. We would want the interior designer’s advice to be practical, beautiful, innovative, and on budget. We would want our interior designer to be flexible if budgetary constraints pop up and offer some cost saving ideas and solutions that fit within the overall initial design brief. We would want to be kept up to date with the project progress as well as being able to contact the interior designer at any time and have our questions answered quickly.


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